Teen therapy

The teenage years are a tough time for many and we know that the pressures of school, peers and the online world, can be experienced as overwhelming.

We have worked therapeutically with many teenagers suffering from anxiety; manifesting in difficulties with food and eating, feelings of uncontainable rage, feeling unable to go to school, self-harming and experiencing suicidal thoughts.

It is, of course, important for parents to feel that their teen is in ‘good hands’ and we aim to establish this confidence with families. Going forward though, our experience is that teens need to know that their time in therapy is confidential and therefore a protected space where they can express themselves without fear of scaring, offending or upsetting others.

Our work involves supporting many teens who find attending school difficult. School refusal can put pressure on everyone involved, often leaving family members with feelings of helplessness, not knowing where to turn or what to do. This often resulting in teens spending time in their rooms, resulting in isolation, self harm and sometimes thoughts of ending their lives.

We can help...

A parent whose teen attending therapy recently said,

" Essere Therapies were there when we were in a very desperate and sad situation. They supported our child through a very difficult time and without Essere Therapies we wouldn’t be where we are now. Our child went from not attending school at all to attending school for most of every day and last week he did his first full day. The therapist was wonderful and we can't thank you enough."

Within our team of therapists, we have the capacity to offer a therapist to the teen and another therapist to support parents/carers at the same time if needed. This means that the counselling relationship can be trusted by the young person and the adults can have a space to reflect on how best to support the individual in therapy (and look after themselves) when this is needed.


All our trauma informed therapists are trained to a high standard, adhering to BAPT professional standards and BACP's children and young people competencies and curricular.

We are also experience of diagnosis's of ADHD & Autism in teens.

Our services for teens

What happens next?

the process following referral

Our process is to have an initial conversation on the phone to ascertain if we may be able to offer support and then to meet with parents of young children and meet or speak over the phone with the parents of older children and teens. This conversation enables us to hear all about what is going on in the family and hear the adult’s description of the child’s current presentation and their thoughts about what might be ‘playing out’. If needed, there can be more than one of these kinds of conversations so that the therapist can gain a clear ‘family history’ in relation to the child. This is useful, particularly with children who have had a lot happen in their short lives and who are most likely to share this with the therapist via. their play.

We then arrange a meeting with the child or young person, the parent/s and the therapist, in the room where sessions will take place if everyone agrees to this. In this meeting the therapist introduces themselves, ensures that the reasons for the child having been referred for therapy are understood and that there is a shared language around this as well as understanding. The therapist explains what will happen in the room; i.e. that child/young person will choose how to use the time in the room and choose what they want to think about while they are in the sessions. The therapist will be with them and the detail of what happens in the room will be between the two of them.

There would be a discussion of the sharing of information between the therapist and the parents/carers. Our therapists feel strongly that they have a role in supporting the whole family when working with children. This means that they will schedule regular parent meetings to look at the family dynamics with the adults and reflect on ways of parenting that will support the child in developing their self-confidence and resilience, their capacity to engage in their lives and enjoy themselves. With teens, it is really important that they know that the space with the therapist is protected and it may not be beneficial for the therapist and parents to meet. However, some teens sometimes want the therapist to be with them as they share their experiences with their parents and discuss the kind of help they feel they need. This can be arranged if required. Therapists can also support with discussions with school staff if this is something that the family feel would be useful.

In this meeting, the therapist would also explain the limits of confidentiality in terms of safeguarding. If, whilst in the session, the therapist heard or saw something that made them feel worried that someone might be getting hurt (the child or someone else) then they would let the child/young person know that this information would need to be shared with certain other adults. The child/young person would be given the opportunity to share the information with the other person if this was possible and appropriate.

It may be appropriate for the child/teen to spend some time alone with the therapist following these discussions. Having 10 or 15 mins to experience being in the room with the therapist can help the individual to know if they would like to give therapy a go, or if it isn’t something that they want to engage with at that time.

Following this meeting the child/young person will be asked to decide what they want to do next. If they decide to come back to therapy then an appointment will be arranged for the first full session. Both child/teen and parent will know what to expect. A review meeting will also be arranged for after 6 to 8 sessions where the therapy experience can be reviewed and further plans made.

The therapist working with a child is interested in any changes that are noticed at home whilst a child is in therapy and is happy to receive phone calls or emails with such information and any questions a parent may have. If parents feel the need for a longer discussion then an appointment can be made to give proper attention to what is being experienced.

The therapist will be clear about the process for compliments and complaints and will encourage the process of raising and discussing issues as they arise as this is an important part of any therapy process.