
When your child finds it too difficult to go to school, ther…...

When your child finds it too difficult to go to school, there are lots of emotions you may feel.
Here are some we hear from many parents and carers we meet.
Helpless… nothing you say or do changes things.
Frustrated – why won’t they just go to school.
Angry – why is there so much pressure placed on children.
Stressed – unable to get on with jobs, focus on work, see friends.
Worry – is it affecting their social skills, will they get a job.
Guilty – leaving them for long periods of time alone on their phones, x box, etc.
Sadness – seeing them struggle and loosing out on life’s opportunities.
Jealousy – watching other children going to school, looking like they are finding life so easy.
Tired – struggle to sleep and focus.
Confused – not knowing what to do for the best.

These thoughts and feelings can leave us feeling lonely, confusing, and unsure what to do for the best.
Here at Essere we would like to help, so we offering one off consultation either online or virtually, please just get in touch and we’ll book you in ☺️