When we saw this picture it made us think about how we adapt…...
When we saw this picture it made us think about how we adapt ourselves to feel safe, but also how we adapt, to prevent ourselves from feeling too.
When we are keeping ourselves safe and preventing ourselves from feeling, we can stay in a logical space.
Logical awareness is important in life and also in therapy, it helps us to make sense of our experiences, but it can also become exhausting, often keeping us more rigid and on the edge of our emotional awareness.
We believe our emotions are stored in our bodies, so when we become body aware, it can help to release years of stored emotions.
At Essere one of our core values is to create spaces so we don’t have to adapt ourselves, so we are more able to move into our emotional awareness.
Then if we choose to, we may find our younger free, creative selves that we may have lost along the way. #esseretherapies