
‘We can’t assume that because a child can do something in on…...

‘We can’t assume that because a child can do something in one place, they’ll automatically be able to do it in another.’ Dr Naomi Fisher

We work with a lot of children and teens in therapy who are one way at home and different at school. This post from Dr. Naomi Fisher delves into this issue really helpfully.

But she’s so capable!

When I was a trainee clinical psychologist, I worked in a clinic with children who were anxious and depressed. The children would come in, pale, withdrawn. They were often in school uniform as they’d been brought out of school to see me. Their answers were often monosyllabic. I assumed that was how they were even as their mothers said ‘she’s not usually like this, you should hear her talk when we’re at home’.

Then one day I saw one of them in Sainsbury’s. She was chatting away to her mum, discussing how they were going to bake a cake and needed to buy fondant icing. She looked like a different person. She was active and animated. I was left not sure how to… More