
This quote from @theflyingchild captures what so many feel w…...

This quote from @theflyingchild captures what so many feel when they enter into therapy. For so many children and teens it can be too dangerous for them to express their anger, so the anger stays trapped inside, this then can become internalised into lots of complicated emotions like self hatred, low self worth and a lack of trust in others, taking it’s toll on our bodies. And then like Cinderella said, it can be too risky to show others how we really feel…so here at Essere we care deeply about providing a therapeutic relationship that is accepting, with compassion and honesty, so all of ourselves can be expressed safely…Thank you again to Sophie for talking so bravely and openly about these often silenced parts of ourselves 🤍 #esseretherapies #theflyingchild #releaseemotions