Such a fabulous post from ‘My Autistic Soul’, super clear an…...
Such a fabulous post from ‘My Autistic Soul’, super clear and informative 👌.
I’M JUST REALLY PROUD OF THIS POST. I worked really hard on it, and I had SO much fun doing it. I always enjoy making educational posts; don’t get me wrong. But I put a lot of time and effort into this one, andSee More it makes me really happy and proud. I hope it can help you understand a little more about how your beautiful brain functions! I mean, interoception difficulties really f*cking suck, but it doesn’t make your brain ugly. It’s very beautiful, just so you know. A beautiful and brilliant brain you’ve got. ALSO, which animal sticker is your favorite? I know it’s hard to choose because they’re all bitchin’ (/bi-chÉ™n/ adjective. 1. excellent; first rate), but if you had to pick just one. #ActuallyAutistic #Autism #Autismo #Autistic #Interoception #OccupationalTherapy #SensoryDiet #SensoryProcessingDisorder #Alexithymia #AutismAcceptance #AutismAwareness