Play therapy approaches, are neurodiversity affirming – val…...
Play therapy approaches, are neurodiversity affirming – valuing the child, giving the child a voice, and affirming the identity of the child. Play is the natural language of all children regardless of diagnosis, disability, or developmental issue. Play makes learning an enjoyable and engaging experience and provides the best method to impart information needed by children to overcome struggles (Schaefer & Drewes, 2014).
#NeurodiversityWeek2022 #Neurodiversity #play #playheals #playmatters #powerofplay #playislearning #playisachildslanguage #playtherapy #britishassociationofplaytherapists #baptregisteredplaytherapists® #neurodivergent #inclusive #empower #childrensmentalhealth #childrensmentalhealthmatters #mentalhealth #childdevelopment #childcentred #childled